

Weird News Item: Couple Discovers Image of Jesus in Kitchen Cabinet

I always like good Jesus or Mary "appearance" stories, the pinnacle of which was the fabulous Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese sandwich that sold on eBay for $28,000. I've seen news stories where busy California freeways get blocked up for miles with people gazing at holy apparitions on the back of metal road signs. In 1993, I saw Joan Crawford's chalky, soul-piercing countenance appear on a Denny's pancake, but that could have just been the acid wearing off. These people have no such excuse. This story made the national news! Looks more like Chewbacca to me.
MANCHESTER, Conn. - A Manchester, Connecticut couple is convinced they have a very special piece of woodwork in their kitchen.
Malynda and Eric Smith say they noticed last Friday that one of the cabinet doors has an image of Jesus Christ in it. The couple says they have lived in the house for about a year and never noticed anything different about the cabinet. And they say it may be hard to believe, but everyone who looks at it sees the image. Malynda says "my daughter came and said mom look it's God.. and I looked.. and there it was a picture of Jesus Christ. Then my son noticed it and my husband came in and noticed it. I just can't believe we hadn't noticed it before." The family says, unlike others who have items bearing the likeness of Jesus, they are not going to sell the cabinet door. They say that would be bad luck.
(Copyright NBC Newschannel. All Rights Reserved.)

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What's wrong with everyone? Clearly, that's Santa.
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