


So I'm back from outer space. It's a tad cheeseball, this I know, but never before have I been able to relate to the tune "I Will Survive" so damn well. REM's sour-milk acoustic version of the Gloria Gaynor classic only begins to create an impression of the heartbreak I have been in recovery from as of late. The sudden end of a two-year relationship sent me briefly into a downward swirl of tears and ciggarettes. (...and made me forget about this poor blog for a while...) It's never easy, I know, but this one I took a lot harder than I ever would have imagined. It's truly shattering to me that a love so deep could just flit away overnight...Ah well...Life - she does go on, as they say, and Old Man Time makes each day just a little less sad. Well, this is the only time I will whine about it here, then tomorrow it's back to more FlippyFloppy fun. I think I'm finally starting to feel ready to take on whatever this Tilt-a-Whirl of a world has for me next... R.E.M. - I Will Survive (Acoustic) MP3 2.87MB,128kbps,44kHz

Just be thankful that you aren't Dan Rather and don't have some nutter running after you saying, 'Kenneth, what's the frequency?' while punching and kicking you.

I suggest you go grab a copy of Charles Trenet's fabulous "Douce France" and croon away with that.
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